Welcome to One Club Sober, we're glad to have you here!
Meet Audrey & Chrystabelle, the people behind-the-scenes
We are Chrystabelle and Audrey, and we founded One Club Sober in November 2022 as a way to recommend and independently review hundreds of non-alcoholic drinks to help you find just what you need. One Club Sober is the place for you learn all about the different non-alcoholic drink options and our tips on living a sober life.
Our Sober Journeys
Chrystabelle's journey to discovering non-alcoholic options began when she realized she had a tendency to binge drink, especially after a stressful day at work. Alcohol also felt like a clash as she was trying to lead a healthier and fitter lifestyle. These days, she rarely drinks alcoholic beverages but she isn't 100% alcohol-free.
Audrey has been sober since 2021 (yay Audrey!), and she made the decision to completely give up alcohol after realizing the damage it was doing to her mental and physical health.
Honest, No Jargon Reviews
We strive to be the most trusted resource in the non-alcoholic space. We love trying non-alcoholic drinks and sharing our thoughts. That means we review our drinks like regular consumers and use words you'll understand. Plus, we've now tried over 100+ non-alcoholic drinks, so we can tell the good ones apart from the bad ones.
Want to collaborate with us or advertise on One Club Sober? We love to hear from you! Reach out to us and let's chat.
More About Us

Lead Beer-ditor in Chief
Hello I'm Audrey - a passionate non-alcoholic drink enthusiast and IPA lover. Here're some things about me:
France: I spent several years living and working in France. I speak French, love my wines, and can tell you all about French cheese.
Reading: If I could spend all day reading, I would! I enjoy reading novels and self-help books.
Copywriter: Besides writing about drinks for One Club Sober, I also write for other websites and publications.
Running: I used to be in my High School's cross-country team. These days I still enjoy running, and plan on signing up for my next marathon.

Marketing, Designer, & Writer
In addition to drinking non-alcoholic drinks, here are some of my other interests:
Traveling: I've been to 55 countries (last country was Latvia in September 2023). My goal is to visit at least 100 countries.
Football: My dad supported Manchester United, so I grew up a Man Utd fan. Right now, I only watch women's football, and support Chelsea FC and the Lionesses!
Marketer: Outside of One Club Sober, I'm a digital marketer by profession and I work with several clients - including one of the world's largest dairy companies.

How One Club Sober Is Different
1. We have actually tried many of the non-alcoholic drinks we promote: Many other sites feature just the popular brands without actually knowing what the drinks taste like. We've actually tried most of the drinks we include in our lists and articles, and we know what a good non-alcoholic drink should taste like.
2. We tell it like it is: We are honest in our reviews (you can even watch our review videos on our YouTube channel to see our facial reactions). If we don't like a drink, we will say so and give you our reasons. We are also transparent with our scoring system.
3. We review free products without bias: Occasionally, we receive complimentary products from companies, and we are committed to maintaining transparency in this regard. It's important to note that receiving free products does not impact the objectivity of our reviews, as our assessments remain unbiased and uninfluenced by these companies. If we don't like the drink, we won't pretend we did.
4. We feature non-alcoholic drinks from around the world: The bulk of the drinks we feature are from the United States or the United Kingdom, but since we travel quite a bit, we are able to find and review less popular non-alcoholic drinks from countries as far as Estonia or China.