I typically don’t find myself excited about new non-alcoholic beer releases, but I’ve been anticipating the launch of Trail Pass non-alcoholic beers.
Being a former fan of Sierra Nevada’s regular beers such as the Pale Ale and Hazy Little Thing, and having previously sampled and reviewed their Hop Splash hop water, I was curious to see what Sierra Nevada would do with non-alcoholic beers.
Having tasted both Sierra Nevada Trail Pass non-alcoholic Golden and IPA, I can say that they hold up well as decent NA beers, even if they don’t top my list of the best non-alcoholic options I’ve tried.
Read on for my detailed tasting notes below to learn more.
A Quick Look At Sierra Nevada Trail Pass
Trail Pass Golden and IPA are Sierra Nevada’s first attempt at non-alcoholic beers, after being in development for the last five years.
Unlike many other non-alcoholic beers that use Vacuum Distillation, Sierra Nevada took a different route.
They use a new hybrid yeast strain that not only keeps the alcohol content below 0.5%, but also cuts down on that worty taste and amps up the hop flavors.
Sierra Nevada Trail Pass Golden
Pours a clear amber-golden color with a good amount of carbonation. The white foam head is thick and tall with a good retention.
It has a light hop aroma with some grainy malts.
This non-alcoholic Golden ale is light, refreshing, and brings a malt-forward taste right from the first sip.
I get notes of cereal malts with a subtle touch of citrus and grassiness. The hops and malts are nicely balanced, but the flavors are on the lighter side (which is typical of a Golden ale).
The mouthfeel is quite good, although there’s a moderate level of malt sweetness with a touch of sticky sweetness.
The beer is also not super bubbly, and I think a little more carbonation could have lifted it up a notch.
Overall, I thought this is a pretty decent non-alcoholic beer!
Sierra Nevada Trail Pass IPA
Pours a clear golden color, light amount of carbonation, and a thick, frothy foam head. I’m impressed by how frothy it looks!
On the nose, I get notes of citrus, lemon, grass, and malts.
This non-alcoholic IPA is light, crisp, and clean, but the flavor is subdued with not much hoppy kick.
I get some grainy malts, lemon citrus, and a hint of grassiness, but overall, the flavor feels pretty light and kind of flat.
The hop bitterness is on the mild side, and the finish is semi-dry.
As for the body and mouthfeel, it feels a lot lighter than I would have liked in a non-alcoholic IPA.
I was hoping for a stronger hop flavor and bitterness to really get that full IPA experience. Right now, it’s giving me vibes of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.
Final Verdict Of Sierra Nevada Trail Pass Golden Review: IPA And Golden
I enjoyed both the IPA and Golden, and it is great seeing Sierra Nevada, one of the OG mass-market craft breweries, stepping up and being a part of the growing non-alcoholic beer space.
Between the two, my favorite would be the Golden because it follows the style closely. It is light, crisp, lightly hopped, and has a good mouthfeel. It is one of those NA beers that anyone will enjoy.
As for the IPA, I wished the Cascade hops were stronger. That said, I still think it is a well-brewed non-alcoholic IPA, with a good amount of hoppy bitterness and flavors.
What I Liked:
- The Golden is light and refreshing, and the body does not feel thin.
What I Did Not Like:
- The IPA’s mouthfeel is a little thin for an IPA style beer.
- Both the Golden and the IPA could do with stronger aroma and flavors, especially the IPA.
Where To Buy Sierra Nevada Trail Pass Non-Alcoholic Beers
I ordered mine online from Proof No More. They ship across the United States in singles, 4-packs, 6-packs, and 12-packs. Plus, they offer free shipping if you spend above $99.
We hope you enjoyed our Sierra Nevada Trail Pass review. If you’re craving even more non-alcoholic beer reviews, click below: