Greenbar Distillery Non-Alcohol Cocktail Review (<0.5% ABV)

December 31, 2022
By: Audrey Hickey

About the Author

Audrey is the head writer at One Club Sober and has spent the last few years tasting and reviewing different non-alcoholic drinks. She has been sober since 2021, and her favorite non-alcoholic drinks are really hoppy beers, seltzers, and hop teas. You can reach Audrey at

Greenbar Distillery was one of the first distilleries in Los Angeles since Prohibition, and it has an impressive catalog of non-alcoholic ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages.

I was lucky enough to try two of Greenbar Distillery’s offerings: the UnRum+Cola and the Burnt Orange Bitters+Soda. Check out the rest of the article for a full review of these unique non-alcoholic offerings.

Greenbar Distillery non alcoholic review

Founded in 2004 by couple Litty Mathew and Melkon Khosrovian, Greenbar Distillery was one of the first distilleries in Los Angeles since Prohibition.

Along with alcoholic offerings like liqueurs, whiskies, and canned cocktails, Greenbar has an impressive catalog of non-alcoholic ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages.

These non-alcoholic pre-mixed cocktails come in six different varieties: Hibiscus UnSpritz, UnGin+Tonic, UnRum+Cola, Lavender Bitters+Soda, Earl Grey Bitters+Soda, and Burnt Orange Bitters+Soda.

Where are Greenbar Distillery Non-Alcoholic cocktails made?

Greenbar produces its non-alcoholic cocktails at its facility in Los Angeles, California.

Their mission is to create the best flavors possible. To that end, they use USDA organic-certified ingredients and encourage team members to experiment with new recipes and techniques.

For instance, brewers borrow techniques from the California wine industry like micro-oxygenation and slow, cool fermentation. They’ve also been known to experiment with the unusual yeast combinations used in beer-making.

Also Read: The 16 Best Non-Alcoholic Canned Cocktails For Everyday Sipping

Greenbar Distillery NA cocktail ingredients

Greenbar Distillery Unrum Cola and Burnt Orange Bitters

Unlike a lot of beverage companies that prefer to keep their ingredients list a secret, Greenbar provides a complete list of everything they use to make their NA cocktails.

I tried the UnRum+Cola and the Burnt Orange+Bitters so I’m including the ingredients for these two drinks below.

UnRum+Cola ingredients:

Water, organic dealcoholized molasses rum, organic botanicals (kola nut, lime, tamarind, nutmeg, coriander, vanilla, clove, orange, cinnamon, allspice, osmanthus, chili, gentian), citric acid, carbon dioxide, organic cane sugar, organic molasses.

Burnt Orange+Bitters ingredients:

Water, organic botanicals (orange, tea, jasmine, mandarin, burdock, gentian, neroli, petitgrain, clove, star anise, grapefruit, chamomile, california bay, ginger, allspice, cinnamon, rooibos, eucalyptus, lapsang souchong tea), organic cane sugar, carbon dioxide.

Greenbar Distillery NA cocktail calories

Greenbar’s RTD non-alcoholic cocktails are much lower in calories than their alcoholic counterparts.

Whereas an 8-ounce rum and coke contains 185 calories, the UnRum+Cola contains 62 calories per 12-ounce/355-ml serving. That’s even less than a rum and diet coke, which clocks in at 100 calories.

The Burnt Orange+Soda contains just 13 calories per 12-ounce/355-ml serving.

That’s slightly more than you’d find in a non-alcoholic seltzer like La Croix (0 calories), it’s much less than alcoholic seltzers like White Claw (100 calories per 12-ounce serving).

See the table below for a full breakdown of the nutrition facts.

 UnRum+ColaBurnt Orange Bitters+Soda
Total Fat0 g 0 g
Sodium0 mg0 mg
Carbohydrates8 g1 g
–Sugar8 g1 g 
Protein0 g0 g


Greenbar Distillery NA cocktail review

Looks & Aroma

As I tried two different drinks, I’ll be listing my observations for each separately.

Greenbar Distillery Unrum Cola


It pours a pale yellow color similar to ginger ale and it’s completely opaque. I was very surprised at how light-colored it was in comparison to a regular rum and coke.

If I didn’t know this was inspired by the popular cocktail, there would be no way I’d guess based on looking at it.

There are lots of bubbles, as is expected with canned RTD cocktails.

Aroma-wise, it smells like flat coke to me i.e. syrupy and over-sweet. I couldn’t help but remember the de-fizzed coke my parents used to give me when I had a stomach ache.

Greenbar Distillery Burnt Orange Bitters

Burnt Orange+Soda

The Burnt Orange+Soda pours a very pale yellow color similar to white or camomille tea. A bit spilled out as I was opening it so I’m inclined to think this has more carbonation than the UmRum+Cola.

In terms of aroma, I couldn’t smell much of anything. Perhaps some faint hints of tea, but that’s about it.



I definitely tasted the “warm” flavor mentioned on the can thanks to the warming spices this drink contains (nutmeg, coriander, vanilla, clove, orange, cinnamon, and allspice).

The flavors from these spices were well-balanced, meaning no single spice stuck out and dominated the flavor profile.

I felt that the UnRum+Cola lacked some of the syrupy body you typically get in a rum and coke. That said, I didn’t necessarily miss the sugary flavor, I just found the lack of sweetness strange considering how sweet the aroma was.

Something I found surprising was the slight “burn” Greenbar managed to recreate in this mocktail. While it wasn’t exactly the same as you’d get from rum, it definitely had a bit of a zing to it, perhaps from the chili.

Greenbar Distillery Unrum Cola and Burnt Orange Bitters 2

Burnt Orange+Soda

Greenbar describes the Burnt Orange+Soda as juicy and refreshing but I didn’t get either of those sensations while drinking. In fact, I didn’t get much of anything in the way of flavor.

This seems to have less flavor than the seltzers I found in between drink reviews. It’s definitely much lighter than the UnRum+Coke.

The orange flavor developed more the longer the drink sat in my glass. After 10-15 minutes, I could taste a dried orange flavor that felt “warm.”

Like the UmRum+Cola, this type contains warming spices like clove, star anise, ginger, allspice, and cinnamon.

Verdict – Are Greenbar Distillery NA cocktails worth it?


The UmRum+Cola, while not exactly like the alcoholic version, is a solid NA Ready-To-Drink mocktail that I’d drink again.

There’s something so appealing about just popping a can open and pouring it over ice. No measuring, no mixing, just a delicious mocktail that’s ready whenever you are.

With that in mind, those who enjoy sweeter drinks might find the amount of sugar in this one a bit lacking.

However, if you’re used to drinking lighter cocktails or mocktails you might even find this one a bit too sweet, as I did. I would probably only be able to drink one of these (and slowly, at that) before my stomach would start complaining.

Burnt Orange+ Bitters 

I wouldn’t try this one again, to be honest. That’s such a shame because I love the idea of drinking a slightly dressed-up seltzer at a party.

The flavor was too subtle and too confusing for my liking. Perhaps that’s an issue with my palette and not the drink.

If you’re looking for a light, non-alcoholic Ready-To-Drink drink that keeps you guessing, this could be a good option for you.

Even though I wasn’t a fan of this flavor, I’m open to trying the other drinks in this line: Lavender Bitters+Soda and Earl Grey Bitters+Soda. I love anything lavender and drink Earl Grey on the reg so I have high hopes for both of these.

Where to Buy Greenbar Distillery NA cocktails

You can purchase these and other Greenbar Distillery products from Amazon within the United States. They’re also available at Whole Foods throughout the United States.

More FAQs

Are Greenbar Distillery NA cocktails vegan?

Greenbar’s NA cocktails are made with only plant-based ingredients and are therefore vegan. It’s also worth noting that all of the ingredients are USDA-certified organic

Are Greenbar Distillery NA cocktails gluten-free?

All of Greenbar’s NA cocktails are gluten-free, making them an excellent drink option for those with gluten sensitivities.

If you’re looking for even more gluten-free options, check out our post about gluten-reduced and gluten-free beers.

Are Greenbar Distillery NA cocktails suitable for diabetics?

The UnRum+Cola contains 8 grams of carbohydrates, so we wouldn’t recommend this drink to those with diabetes. As with any food or drink containing carbs, the UnRum+Coke will spike blood sugar in those with Type I or Type II diabetes.

With 1 gram of carbohydrates, the Burnt Orange Bitters+Soda is a suitable option for diabetics. If you want more information about sugar-free beers, check out our article: Best Non-Alcoholic Beer For Diabetics.

Do Greenbar Distillery NA cocktails have any alcohol?

Greenbar’s RTD mocktails contain a trace of alcohol that’s less than 0.5% ABV.

This amount of alcohol is comparable to the amount found in a glass of orange juice or a serving of kombucha. In contrast, Greenbar’s Coastal Rum+Cola contains 7% ABV.

How many carbs do Greenbar Distillery NA cocktails have?

A 12-ounce/355-ml can of UnRum+Cola contains 8 grams of carbs and 8 grams of sugar. The Burnt Orange+Bitters contains 1 gram of carbs and 1 gram of sugar.

We hope you enjoyed our Greenbar Distillery NA cocktails review. If you’re craving even more non-alcoholic mocktail reviews and articles, click below:

Easy-to-prepare mocktails that are a great non-alcoholic option in a pinch but one was too sweet and the other was too flavorless.

About the Author

Audrey is the head writer at One Club Sober and has spent the last few years tasting and reviewing different non-alcoholic drinks. She has been sober since 2021, and her favorite non-alcoholic drinks are really hoppy beers, seltzers, and hop teas. You can reach Audrey at


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